Here are some examples of letters. Personalize them! Complete by detailing your dreams, upcoming decisions, moments experienced...
Dear me from one year from now,
It's XX/XX/XXXX and I'm at Café Pli in Paris. I'm writing you this letter hoping that you still remember this time, which wasn't so long ago after all. There are so many things I hope you've accomplished by then (to be detailed) but most of all, I hope you feel at peace and aligned with yourself. Maybe some things will have changed, dreams will have taken shape, or you'll have made important decisions. Whatever it is, I want you to remember that the most important thing is to be true to yourself, to continue to grow and learn, and to give yourself kindness, even in difficult times. I trust you to have come through this year with joy and courage! I can't wait to see all that you will have accomplished.
Your self of xx/XX/2025
Dear future me,
I am writing this letter to you today, XX/XX/XXXX, in Paris, at Café Pli, to wish you to move forward with strength and serenity through all the changes that will mark this year. I know that there will be many (example to cite) . No matter the challenges or uncertainties that will come, I hope that you remain true to yourself and that each transformation, whether internal or external, brings you a greater understanding of yourself. That you embrace each step (even the most unexpected) with confidence, and that you remember that each experience (even the most difficult) is part of your life and your learning. I trust in your ability to transform all these moments of transition into opportunities for fulfillment.
Dear me,
I hope that when you read this letter, you will be in a peaceful place, surrounded by everything that makes you happy. Today, I am writing to you to remind you of who you were at this precise moment in your life. Today is XX/XX/XXXX and I am writing to you from Café Pli in Paris. I am still full of doubts and questions about the future, but I am sure that you have gained a lot of wisdom and experience since then. I would like to know: have you found the answers to all these questions that are running through my head at the moment?
I also wonder if you have managed to follow your dreams and achieve some of the projects that still seem distant to me today. Maybe you have taken different paths, made unexpected choices. I encourage you to never regret the detours, because they are often the richest in lessons. Have you discovered new passions, met people who have transformed you, changed your outlook on the world? I hope that you have continued to reinvent yourself and flourish, while remaining true to your values and what makes you tick.
I also wonder if, today, you have found serenity in moments of doubt and difficulty. Life sometimes tests us, but I hope that you have been able to take advantage of each obstacle. I promise myself to continue moving forward, even when everything seems uncertain. If you are reading this letter at a time when everything seems clearer, I invite you to send me, in thought or in memories, a little of this light. And if you are still going through trials, I trust you to overcome them with the same determination.
Finally, know that I am proud of you, of everything you have accomplished so far, even if the path sometimes seems strewn with pitfalls. While waiting to see you again in a few years, know that I promise myself to continue to move forward, to learn, and to love each step of this journey.
With all my kindness,
Me, to this day